Let me walk you through our home consultation process. It’s not as overwhelming as it may seem;)
Step 1: We will come out to your home and talk over the areas you are wanting help with. We will then take pictures and get measurements.
Step 2: We come back to the shop and do all the brainstorming for you. Sometimes items on our showroom floor will work for clients, but we also have access to a LOT more and often order custom pieces specific for client’s homes. We carry ROWE Furniture, so we have access to SO many gorgeous options for updating your furniture with QUALITY reasonable pricing. We will text/email (or you can just pop back in) to figure out the larger items and get those narrowed down first.
Step 3: Once the larger items are all in stock and ready for your home, we will figure out all the accessories and smaller items that will really finish off your space and complete your look. We will set up a time to come back to your home to bring it all at one time. It’s SO fun to do it this way, you really see the transformation when it’s all done in one day:) Yes, many clients feel like they are on an HGTV show the day the big reveal happens! Seriously guys, these days are our ABSOLUTE favorite!! Nothing is more fun!! (for you and us!;)
See, so simple?!:)Â Whats our charge, you ask? We charge $50 an hour/designer while we are at your home. ( plus mileage if you are out of town) We do not charge for any of our design time back at the shop if you reach the minimum of $1000 (thats a HUGE savings). The designing fee really does not amount to much in the grand scheme of things, and we have clients tell us it is so worth it. We do all the work for you! No running around to all the big box stores, trying to figure out what goes with what and if it will fit in your space and look good…and then later having to run it back and return items that don’t work.
Have more questions or would like to set up a consulation?? Feel free to contact us through our website, send us an email ([email protected]) or give us a call 309-266-9600.